Wednesday, 17 June 2009

A’isyah’s first assessment

Two weeks ago Nany and I met up with A’isyah’s teacher, after receiving her first report card. I had been pleased with the report card, even though Nany was hoping for better performance from A’isyah. I still am pleased with her results. However, there’s more to your child’s progress than just their report card.

And that’s where the discussion with A’isyah’s teacher came in. Turns out that A’isyah’s a bit of a handful at school. Hehe. She can be rebellious, or stubborn, about doing as the teacher asks. She will sometimes come up with excuses for not responding to the teacher’s queries, or talks in class. She does like to talk, and seems to enjoy talking to her friends, even during lesson time. It doesn’t help that half the class will back her up and entertain her. Guess she’s the friendly type.

But this may become a problem. We don’t want her monopolizing the teacher’s time, and neither do we want A’isyah to be a distraction to the other students. We explained to her teacher that we don’t mind her being firm with A’isyah. We also explained that A’isyah has a tendency to not try something until she’s comfortable that she’ll succeed at it. She’s always been that way. Even when she started walking, she didn’t spend too much time practicing, falling down and so on. She waited until she was confident in herself, then got up and starting walking from one piece of furniture to another. Soon she was walking without aid.

So, yeah, A’isyah will wait until she knows that she can do something before trying to do it. And she is a willful little girl. Hehe. I just hope she turns around. We’re doing what we can at home, and I hope that she gets more positive examples from school as well.

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