This is us at A'isyah's majlis cukur, which we did right on the last day of Nany's confinement. We didn't shave A'isyah's head; just some clippings, since her hair was already very thick.

This is A'isyah in her babyseat in the car.

And here we took A'isyah out to the shopping mall. She was very curious, looking all around her, taking in all the new sights.
Link to previous pic post: Baby pics - 25/1/2006
She's SO sweet Meor!!
Errr... is this the ONLY way we're gonna know what's happening in your life...? ;)
Salams to Nany!
Of course not! :-) But it is a good way to share with many.
hallo meor..
how's life?
manage to see the photos of your baby...
looking forward to meet u and nany.
been busy lately..attending courses etc.
feel like wanna take a week off to refresh myself.
fyi, i didnt get a week off during my wedding.
the boss reluctant to let me off coz of the work at the moment (which i found nothing happened during that time)..
so i think i need to free myself for a while and meet u guys...
really missed the moment we all had together during biomalaysia...
do send my salam to nany and ur family..
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