Wednesday 25 January 2006

Baby pics

Siti Nur A'isyah - 12 Nov 2005

The last time I posted pics on blogger (see November 2005 Archive) I didn't know you could have multiple images per post. ‹sheepish grin›

No worries. This post is a single pic. I'm going to slowly post more pics of my daughter. Btw, her full name's Siti Nur A'isyah bt. Meor Azmal (that's to help people find us, in case they want to - there's a story there).

Now, besides cropping this pic, I've also done a little picture editing to change the colour tone (original was - now there's a line from one of my favourite movies!). Used Picasa. :-) Nifty program that.

On to the pic. This is A'isyah in her baby hammock (is that even the right term?). It's the afternoon, and she's sorta, half asleep, half waking up. And she's wearing pink, including pink mittens, lying on a pink pillow, in her pink baby hammock. ;-)

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