My mind, eternally youthful, seems to believe my body is 16 years old. My body, being at least twice that age, refuses to play along. My mind, able to imagine fantastical feats of physical prowess, is convinced what it can imagine, my body can achieve. My body, woefully untested in actual physical exertions, can barely keep up.
And so what happens when someone tackles me in a friendly game of futsal is not a graceful recovery, turn-around, and artful dribbling. Rather, the result is a tumble totally lacking in grace, and a scrape on the knee from the artificial turf.
All in good fun, of course.
At least I came away with a “door gift” just for showing up and participating in the club’s first sports activity of the year. I wonder how many such mugs I have. I wonder where they all are. Hehe.

*contemplates retribution...*
hehe. don't worry, it's nothing serious.
take care....
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