Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Things you’d love to say on the LRT

… but probably won’t. (Bukankah kita prihatin?) In no particular order:

  • “That’s a lovely baju kurung, but I think you have way too many chemicals in your hair.” whisper: cos I can smell it from here

  • “That’s a nice big backpack you have there; you could probably kill a dog with that bag if you dropped it.” whisper: I know cos I’m still reeling from that shove in the chest

  • “Is there a water shortage in your area, or are you just allergic to water?” whisper: (yes, you guessed it) cos I can smell you from all the way over here

Would an “excuse me” prefixing those statements make it less caustic, or is it still overstepping bounds anyway?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice squeeze! LOL!! :)