Thursday, 6 August 2009

Time to migrate my Friendster info

When I joined Friendster on a friend’s invite, I thought it would be a neat way to reconnect with old friends. I shared lots of personal info there in my profile info, such as all the schools I’ve been to over the years. I even shared lists of my favourite music, movies, and books. All these items are actually searchable within Friendster, allowing people to search for others who filled in the same information in their profiles. It promises one the ability to connect with others who went to the same schools as you, and who have the same interests as you.

Unfortunately for me, that promise was never fulfilled. Maybe I wasn’t active enough in Friendster. Whatever the case, when an old high school friend sent me an invite to join Facebook in 2007, I was pleasantly surprised that he managed to locate my contact after all those years. And when I joined Facebook, the most amazing thing happened. What I had been hoping for from Friendster, happened on Facebook!

Ever since then, I’ve been using Facebook and have neglected my Friendster account. And I’m not the only one. I even know someone who deleted their Friendster account to focus exclusively on Facebook.

I now value Facebook as a means to keep up-to-date with the goings on of far-flung family and friends. And it helps to maintain a (tenuous, at best) connection with all those people.

So now I’ve decided I might as well bring over all that personal info from Friendster into Facebook. I shared it before, so why not again?

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