Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Could we get a fact check please?

Sigh. Another one. Fact check, please!

I received a forwarded email today. One of those that tries to be helpful, by informing you about the latest threat facing single ladies/unwary movie-theatre-goers/what-have-you. Seriously, doesn't anyone check the claims in these emails before forwarding them onwards? I suppose it's too much trouble.

I mean, first you have to employ a little critical thinking to extract key words from the email. Then you have to Google a combination of those key words. After which, you should be able to find a discussion on that topic as one of the top 10 results, leading you to something like this: Coke+Ajinomoto

Go on, try it out! Try searching for "Coke and Ajinomoto". You'll find the text of the email I got (and no, I'm not going to reproduce it here).

Only one difference in the email that I received earlier today. Someone added in a sender:
Hishamuddin Alias (ASP) Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Berat IPK Kuala Lumpur

Now, I don't know if this is someone's idea to lend some weight to the email, or there really was an ASP Hishamuddin who forwarded this email onwards, and people kept his sign-off in subsequent forwards. I sure hope it was someone's idea of adding authenticity to the email, and not really a member of the Malaysian police force who forwarded the email onwards. If it was a member of the Serious Crimes Investigative Department, then I bemoan the (lack of) inquisitive and thorough minds employed there, and fervently hope I never have the misfortune of having to rely on them.

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