Sunday, 26 February 2006

The story of my appendix

Well, it's not a complete story, cos I can't really say when the beginning was. The short history, however, is known.

Two Fridays ago, the day after I came back from an overseas trip, I felt some stomache discomfort. Thought it was my stomache re-adjusting to the food here, after all food there. That disappeared by the next day, so thought everything was ok.

On Tuesday, the discomfort came back, but with a slightly different pain. Thought it was gastric pains. On Wednesday morning, the pain was too much. Even after popping Actal, I was still doubled over in discomfort. Went to a clinic, thinking I'd get some strong medication, get MC, stop by the office for a couple of minutes, and head back home to rest.

Got to the clinic and was shown straight to the doctor, so apparent was my discomfort. The doctor checked me, examining my stomache, and when she touched a particular spot I just jumped. The pain was excrutiating. She checked again and told me it was my appendix. Gave me a referral letter and told me to go to the Emergency ward of a hospital of my choice and ask to see a surgeon. Yikes! Nany had actually expected this when driving me to the clinic.

Got to the hospital, the emergency doc checked me out to rule out other possibilities (incl. gallstones), did a urine test and a blood test. Then told me they were warding me and that it was an 80% chance it was my appendix, but the surgeon would confirm this when she checked me out.

By the time I was sent upstairs they had already given me a couple of injections for the pain. The surgeon examined me, and said I was very tender (no kidding!), but my appendix probably hadn't burst yet cos there was no indication of it from the blood test. So she said she wanted me to go for an operation as soon as possible. Since I hadn't eaten since 8am that morning, she scheduled me immediately. I was taken to the operating room about an hour later, and came out from the general anasthetic a couple of hours later.

The surgeon later told me that my appendix was fusing to the surroundings, and that it actually burst during removal. She cleaned me out, but there's still the chance of an infection. They started me on some really strong antibiotic, and that brought on a case of diarrhea. So I was in for slightly longer than normal.

I was discharged yesterday, given an antibiotic course, some painkillers, and some diarrhea meds. Got 3 weeks MC, but I seriously doubt I'll use that whole period. I have to rest for at least a week though, and I have a follow-up with the surgeon next week, to check for any infection. Hope there's none, cos if there were, they might have to cut me open again to clean it up.

So now, I rest.

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