Thursday, 27 January 2022

PriceWatch: Petrol in Malaysia (2)

Item: RON95 petrol
Brand: any
Price: MYR 2.05 / liter
Date of Purchase/Survey: 27/01/2022
Place of Sale: any petrol station in Malaysia

Eleven years ago it was MYR 1.90/liter; it's barely moved in the intervening years thanks to Government subsidies, but that has to be an unsustainable practice.

Sunday, 16 January 2022

Must have rolled single digit for my Constitution

I got my Covid-19 booster shot on Friday. It was my first Pfizer Comirnaty shot, as my 1st and 2nd doses were AstraZeneca. This time there was a throbbing pain on my arm at the injection site. Followed by a low-grade fever on the second day (yesterday). On my first dose I had a fever as well. This one seems to have mostly burned out in a day. Although the doctor said I could treat it with Panadol, I didn't. Nothing too serious anyway.

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

My own inconsistent spelling paradigms

I picked up the Wordle habit recently, and today's puzzle tripped me up a bit. As a product of mostly British schools I stubbornly stick to "ou" vs. "o" spellings, although I've picked up the nasty habit of using "z" instead of "s" in a lot of places. I even realised it earlier today when I did a routine spellcheck on an old document and I was prompted to change the document region from American English to British English, just to keep my "ou" spelling. This is all just an excuse to explain today's 5 guesses required.

Sunday, 9 January 2022

Checking in on BOINC

Start of a new year seems like a good time to set a milepost for BOINC progress. I'll compare my progress later in the year, although I don't expect significant progress, since I'm mainly crunching on a GRC pool. Still, I may add or switch around projects. The strangest thing is I still haven't been knocked off the top 100 list for the country.
BOINC stats for user mayb

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Hello from The Future! (2022 edition)

This goes out to those on the other side of the world, including my sister. Yes, it's a #dadjoke, but I'm a dad, so it's allowed!