I was browsing through my old photo archives and found that I have pictures taken exactly one year ago today, on 31 July 2008. It was on an outing to Mall of the Emirates, and we had decided to (finally!) enter Ski Dubai, the indoor snow park and ski slope. It took a while to get suited up, mainly because A’isyah refused to put on her helmet. I wasn’t about to let it slide, so we struggled to get her to put it on. Once inside though, she was quickly mesmerized by the sight of the white snow. She was too skitterish to try tobogganing and was just content to walk around, but she was fascinated by all the activity.
Four months later, on a return visit to Dubai, we went to Ski Dubai again. This second time A’isyah was more active, trying to throw snowballs and just playing around with the snow.
I can’t say I remember my first experience with snow, since I was a baby at the time, but the first time that I do remember was my family’s first winter in Sweden. I remember after the first snowfall my sis and I tried our hands at making a snowman out near the porch. It was a dismal failure. I think we managed something a few inches tall, because we underestimated the effort required to make one of those things. That, and the snow probably wasn’t right for making snowmen.
A’isyah had her snow experience at a pretty young age, but I have a feeling she’ll remember it. And it’s not just because of the pictures I think. Just a few weeks ago, she said to me that she wants to go to Mall of the Emirates, to play with snow. I told her that it’s very far away, and we can’t go there now. To which she responded with that favourite of kids everywhere: “Why?”
Maybe one day.