Sunday 1 September 2024

Live for those intersections

The journey of our lives is a single line, with many twists and turns, crossing with others' as we interact in our daily lives. Physical proximity with others tends to create more opportunities for our lives to intersect, and we gain insights into each others' lives. We share experiences, create memories together, but still let them inform each of us separately and uniquely. We may share many of these experiences, and still come out different on the other side.

It's only been a week since my sisters flew back to their respective homes, each half the world away. And so our intersections will become fewer. Who knows when our lives will all intersect together again? We each have our own lives, and our own families, and our own futures to chart.

And we are each our own people, with our own perspectives on life. Still, I look forward to the next intersection. For we are still family.

Saturday 13 July 2024

BOINC x GRC in Malaysia

Despite mainly just running BOINC on my laptop, I'm still in the top 100 BOINCers in Malaysia, which - honestly - is a bit surprising. I've been running BOINC off and on since basically its inception, but my current World ranking is nothing special.

Position in World ranking based on recent activity

So what I find really curious is that there are a decent number of GRC nodes identified in Malaysia. It fluctuates, of course, as nodes switch from offline to online all the time, but just two days ago there were 19 Gridcoin nodes online in Malaysia.

Page 6 of online Gridcoin nodes on 11 July 2024

And the reason I find this curious is, are these nodes actively mining? Or just investors? Cos I don't think there's much value proposition in being just a GRC investor (and I say this as a GRC supporter). And yet, I don't see that many active BOINCers above me in the top 100.


Saturday 29 June 2024

Let's X that Twitter

Screenshot of Twitter widget on the blog

So, uh, I had forgotten that a long time back I added a Twitter widget to this blog. Let's just get rid of that X now, shall we?

Genshin Impact how many years/months in?

Just the other night a friend said he had gotten back into Genshin Impact. I recently reinstalled it on a laptop (it's way too big for my phone now), so I launched it up to check on my status. I tend to stick with games, even if I'm not sure why I'm still playing. I remember logging into Stronghold Kingdoms on Steam, as a free-to-play player for months on end, only to have my towns destroyed forcing me to start from scratch again.

Genshin, however, I stopped mainly cos of the space issue. So it's been awhile since I played. I've only just started in Sumeru, so I'm way behind on the main story. And don't get me started on the side-quests. I still have plenty to do in Inazuma, and I just breezed through The Chasm to get out of it as fast as I could.

Still, I have decent characters at least.

Genshin Impact character screen, focused on Noelle

Saturday 25 November 2023

Where were you...when Faker won his 4th Championship?

It's been a long road back to the top, and after a promising early year for T1 (followed by a rocky LCK Summer Split), the team made it to LoL Worlds 2023 where they breezed through to the knockout stage, only to be the LCK's last hope and having to run through the LPL gauntlet to finally raise the trophy and be crowned the World Champions last Sunday! I was at home, watching while the rest of the family was resting post-tahlil. I had already made them wait an hour and a half just to catch New Jeans in the Opening Ceremony, then everyone dispersed so I could enjoy the games.

And what a thrilling series it was! T1 played through the top triangle, with Keria pulling off some amazing moves in teamfights. Quarters and Semis were good series too, and this year's Finals didn't disappoint, even though it was a clean 3-0.

So SKT/T1 won their 4th Worlds trophy, and so did their Unkillable Demon King mid-laner, Faker. Congrats to the team!

Saturday 3 June 2023

My 40 days later

It's been 40 days since this:

Facebook post

To this day, I still feel tears forming if I think about her, and especially about how her last days unfolded. They say it's a process, and it's clear I'm still going through the steps.

Eventually it'll get better for me, but I'm not sure I want it to.

Sunday 29 January 2023

Foodpanda review - Maharaj Restaurant

1x Tandoori Chicken - RM23.00
1x Palak Paneer - RM18.00
Rating on Foodpanda at time of ordering: 4.3 (100+ ratings)

It's been a while since I've had any tandoori, so maybe prices have gone up. But for RM23, I actually expected a larger portion. In fact, twice the portion we received, since that was what was displayed in Foodpanda. Thank goodness it actually tasted good enough. We didn't order naan as it was RM5 a piece, and instead ate it with roti canai from our freezer (a comparable pairing I say).

The palak paneer was ok; not too heavy, with enough flavour. Not as cheesy as others we've had. We still have some leftovers, but not sure what to pair with it for next time.

Overall, decent, if a bit expensive.

Wednesday 21 December 2022

BOINC-ing on my own again

I'm back to running BOINC on my own account again, since the GRC pool is shutting down at the end of the year and I've just made the switch to solo-mining GRC. Got the wallet all configured, beacon sent, waiting for Mag to show up on the network. I'll have to use MRC to claim my GRC from now on. Will have to see how often I do that. Maybe once a month?