Wednesday, 15 April 2009

American Idol Season 8 is now a race for second place

I mean, seriously, can there be any doubt that Adam Lambert won’t win the competition? The voice control, the stage presence, the theatrics. He’s on a whole ’nother level. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of the others at this stage too. Shoutouts to Danny, Allison, Kris, Anoop, and Matt. Sorry, Lil, you don’t really excite me at this point. But Adam’s in a league of his own. I suppose there’s stilll the odd chance that it’s not to Americans’ tastes, but it sure is looking less likely from where I’m sitting.


Anonymous said...

really?... just a load of theatrics and a tolerable falsetto to me :S

altho, he is admittedly everyone's fave this season. meh. *not impressed... appreciative yes but far from impressed*

Meor said...

hehe. thx "Anonymous". he is a fave right now. even the judges can't fault him. but, there's still competition. Danny's still good; Allison, Kris, and even Anoop are going from strength to strength. Matt's starting to falter i think.

so i guess it's not a "done deal", altho i still think he's playing on a whole different level.